Welcome to Dalewood French Immersion Public School
Welcome to Dalewood's webpage! We are thrilled that you are a part of our growing community of learners and supporters. Dalewood is a Grade 1- Grade 8 French Immersion school with a population of 405. We offer a wide range of athletics, music, arts, and technology opportunities for our students in addition to our dynamic academic programming. We are an inclusive school and value the uniqueness that everyone brings to Dalewood. As a Dalewood Dragon, "notre feu est féroce!".
Ordering is available through School Cash Online
Important Upcoming Dates...
Spirit Week- Feb. 24-28
- “Anything but a backpack day”- Feb. 24
- Retro day- Feb. 25
- Wear anything pink day - Feb. 26 *note change from previous weekly memo
- Pajama Day- Feb. 27
- Wear your favourite jersey/sports shirt- Feb. 28th
Popcorn (grad fundraiser) - Feb. 27
Icedogs Assembly - Feb. 28
March Break - Mar. 10-14
Ice Dogs Community Event - March 20 (Get tickets on SCO)
Spirit Wear
Important Update re: School Level Improvements
Please read this memo about School Level Improvements at Dalewood.
About Dalewood Public School
Dalewood Public School was built in the year 1962 in the midst of fruit orchards, and a second addition was added to the school in 1969 to satisfy the educational needs of a constantly growing population in the north end of the city of St. Catharines. It is located about 1/2 a mile away from Lake Ontario, one of the five Great Lakes. It is also about 1 mile away from the famous Welland Canal, built by William Hamilton Merritt, that allows the ships to go from Lake Ontario to Lake Erie without the difficulty of having to bring the cargo past the Niagara Falls.
Dalewood was formerly a middle school consisting of only grade 7&8 students. In 2013, our school began offering grade 1-8 French Immersion, a first for the DSBN. As of September 2014, our school became Dalewood French Immersion Public School. Our primary feeder schools consist of students from across the northend of St. Catharines. Our graduates move onto Governor Simcoe Secondary School for high school and are able to pursue course in French Immersion until graduation.